
Updated 06-30-2020


I have an upcoming game, a match three style game but with a 3D board! The game can also be played in Augmented Reality (AR). I used SpriteKit, SceneKit, as well as ARKit. I also architected the game so that all game flow, controllers, logic and UI can be shared across iOS and macOS devices.


I'm actively working as a lead developer on the SmartCast experience for VIZIO. I have worked on the main, front-end SmartCast app, with a user base in the millions. I've built other apps running on the device in Vue.js and TypeScript, where I've been the lead architect, creating apps from the ground up. I've worked on apps that handle a high amount of events, and also helped to craft UX around voice experiences. I also maintain some middle-tier re-usable frameworks that are used by third-party apps on the platform, that are used by millions of users.


One game I've developed is a 2048 clone. SevenSlide is a puzzle game all about combining numbers into larger numbers. Swipe in six different directions to combine numbers, but as soon as the game board is full and there are no more numbers to combine, the game is over. Find your strategy to obtain even higher scores. Enjoy this relaxing, yet challenging, puzzle experience!

On the App Store at: SevenSlide

Mohu Program Guide

I developed a program guide for Mohu for their HDTV streaming TV product. This project was interesting architecturally, as I made the front-end code sharable between iOS and tvOS, so we didn't have to duplicate UI components for each platform. I also created some customized UICollectionViewLayout classes for detailed control over the complex scrolling behavior for this feature. Also, I separated the model layer in the code for unit testing the "business logic" of the app, which made the code more reliable and maintainable.

Master's Project: HiveDrop

I finished a new game title on iOS for my master's project. The game is a casual puzzle game that includes Game Center support. I created a game design document, and did wireframing and prototyping on my way to game creation. In addition to coding, I designed the audio for the game as well. My friend Andrew Salituri did the visual design.

Master's Project: Infinite Good

I developed an iOS app for my friend Andrew Salituri's master's project. Infinite Good is a web platform for sharing inspiring stories about others. This app talks to the website and allows the user to upload pictures and stories through an API.


This project was a synthesizer I created for in an independent study, an OS X Core Audio application that takes three wave forms at concert-A pitch and mixes them together. The program uses wavetable synthesis, that is, a cycle of each wave is stored as samples in an array and the samples are "played" back through a software mixer to the output device. In the future, it would be nice to implement more "synth" features, such as multiple notes, the ability to connect a USB keyboard, and a way to shape the duration of each note (typically called ADSR - Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release).

Subsplash Content Management System

I was the developer on this project to create a content management system for clients to manage their data and assets. The development process entailed getting a series of mockups and high resolution designs from the design team, which I then took and implemented using a LAMP stack. The system handled thousands of users accounts, as well as dynamically driving data to millions of launches of mobile apps.

Subsplash Encoder System

I was one of the main developers who created a video encoding system, a system to encode video for mobile streaming. I was responsible for the web development of the front-end and server-side portion. I also assisted with the creation and updates to an OS X application that formed part of the encoding system.

Dora the Visual Apache Hadoop Distributed File System Explorer

Dora was a school project to present a visual interface to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Another student created a Java program that communicated with the HDFS to deliver JSON data about the files stored. I created a front-end interface to consume the JSON data and let the user see and navigate the files and folders.

OpenCV Visual C++ Tutorial & Documentation

For a computer vision course, I created some documentation for helping people set up OpenCV (computer vision API) with Visual C++ 2010. The documentation walks the user through downloading and installing OpenCV 2.3, setting up directories and linking in Visual C++, as well as how to export these settings for other projects. To download this documentation, click here.

Contracts System Design Documentation

For a software engineering course, I created a comprehensive design document for an enterprise contracts management system. The documentation includes requirements, wireframes, use cases, and ERDs (entity relationship diagrams). To download this documentation, click here.


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